Thursday, February 19, 2009

Up in the wee hours of the morning...

Hi all! I felt the desire to update the blogspot this morning so here I am! Have you ever been awakened to the sense that you just needed to get up and get things done? Well typically I stay up late (11:30-12:00) and get my sleep in the late do I sleep in you say??? 8 am in the morning is the latest for me.

This morning though I was awake at 5 am and decided it wasn't worth staying all cozy in the covers anymore. I got up and headed to my computer to start working out some ideas I hadn't finished last night.

I have watched other people in this economic time of distress throw their hands up, go to a "job" and complain so loudly about their pay cut that I wondered why they weren't doing something about it instead of wasting time on doing nothin'. I know that is harsh...but this is such a time of opportunity for so many people. It may not seem like it, but don't you know, I still keep getting calls for advertising and new websites and, to be honest, just plain help. The clients are busy and work is picking up.

In my opinion, it is because the American ingenuity can't be held down and the spirit can't be squashed unless the the PERSON lets it happen.

I choose to put my nose to the grindstone and work...and I know I will find myself on the other side with happy clients.

Talk soon! Tracy ;)
2 Cor 9:12