Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's that time of Year!

School has begun, businesses are roaring back into action and yes, I have turned another year older.

I am actually celebrating my birthday down south at Disneyland with my family. The lovely thing about having a laptop is that I can really work anywhere. I will work diligiently this evening to get many things done...and then it's off to Disneyland in the morning. When we get back to the hotel I will work some more -- then when we drive home (5 hours north) I will get even more done.

I really do appreciate the wireless card for my computer and the time that it affords me--spending quality time with my family and friends is what life is about! It keeps me refreshed and ready to be even more creative for the many clients that have trusted me over the years.

Two thoughts have come to me out of this weekend. They actually were great tidbits of info that came out of conversations with two of my awesome extended family members.

#1 Thought: A multimillionaire told my uncle that if he would come up with just one great thought a year that would earn him some income, you know, something that he could throw $1000 dollars at to accomplish....if he just did that same thing 10 times...he could turn that seed money collected into bigger and better things. I thought...that is an idea that I should do something about. I am an artist after all...why shouldn't I come up with something that I could create once and then create some extra money with. I am completely capable...

#2 Thought: My very talented male cousin is a dancer/teacher. He's been in commercials and danced for Ricky Martin. Needless to say, he is fun to talk to and we pontificate over the best darn subjects. We talked about being judgemental versus evaluating situations that come up in our lives. Do we evaluate the world around us or do we judge the world around us? I believe, as I have matured, that I evaluate situations. As a Christian artist, I find that many people I work with come from all different walks of life.... How could I function in love the way God asked me to if I was constantly judging people around me? That is not my function in life. I evaluate situations, pray and then obey the direction I am given. Think about might change the way you think too...

I must get back to work...but I must say...its been nice pontificating to cyberspace tonight...Blessings! Trace

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Internet & Our Business

Here in Morgan Hill, CA I am pondering today's business day.

I sit here tonight in front of my computer screen knowing that today was a good day. It started out with a call from a dear client of mine in Los Angeles, then it was off to a prospective client's construction firm in San Jose.

This meeting was a direct referral from another client that I know through the Jubilee CEOs Business Ministry. The morning call was from a person I met through the E-women Network group. I traveled home after what I feel was a successful meeting and received a phone call from another prospective business association in Florida. Yes, I said Florida. Meanwhile, I chatted on email with my other clients in Washington and Georgia.

We actually do have clients in California, but today I realized that the internet has changed the face of what we do as business people. It has given us the ability to touch lives and businesses all over the country. Not only are we able to build professionalism into small and medium size businesses through the work we do, but we also are able to build quality relationships with those people we work with -- all through the tools available to us now. I have the opportunity to uplift and encourage my clients at the same time via email, web, phone and personal interactions.

It is amazing. My clients are amazing. I am amazed on a daily basis.

Today was a good day. Blessings! Tracy Foster

Friday, August 3, 2007

Tafgraphics Design & Photography Studio

We are setting the stage for you!

Creativity and common sense provided by a husband/wife team.

We have just updated our site and have put some coding in place that will allow for faster updating of imagery. We have also made it easier for you to get in touch with us on our contact page.

Our clients are starting to come to me from all over the country. Isn't the internet wonderful?

Talk soon! Chris & Tracy Foster
