Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Year Resolutions

Okay, so I haven't written anything because my clients come first! Business has been very busy!

September through December was a wonderful time for us as a business. We have grown and are getting the opportunity to help people all over the country. I am getting to try new things from a programming perspective which is fun for me as a self-taught web designer.

For example, I have started using this lightbox script that allows for photo galleries to be much more enjoyable to create and, of course, the further use of CSS is allowing for some more beautiful websites to be created as I get more comfortable with it.

I am really excited that I am able to use my gifts in a wide variety of design areas to help make people's businesses better.

I am now involved in a couple of different business groups. One is attached to the Chamber and is Business to Business oriented. We have become the Executive Directors for the Jubilee South Valley CEOs Business Ministry and are growing the group down our direction.

My New Year's resolution this year is to work a more balanced day (from 9-5) and enjoy my family more this year as a result. I found that by December I was soooo tired that I didn't have any juice left to design with or to enjoy family gatherings. So, I have made some alterations to the way I work which I hope will make a difference for all of my clients and my family.

I hope your new year is full of blessings and prosperity. I hope that we can walk down that road with you.

Blessings! Tracy