Friday, August 15, 2008

Social Interaction on the Web - FINALLY

I am not afraid of technology. I am not afraid of people. So why has it taken me so long to get onto LinkedIn and Facebook? I have had accounts for awhile now but never really thought about going there to "keep up" with everyone.

I finally realized that when I am on my laptop, I work. I don't play and carry on casual conversations with folks. I work. I bet my clients will agree that's a good thing!

So what has helped me move into the world of social interaction?

Well, to be honest, the purchase of my new 3G iPhone.

I felt like I won the lottery when I first picked up my new phone. I waited 5 hours in line (I know crazy, right?) at the Apple Store and was ecstatic to find that within 1 minute of having the phone, I already had a completely synced calendar and email contacts were a different story, but it is now clean and in sync as well.

Having this new tool has allowed me to keep my laptop closed so I don't feel like I have to work all the time and this has opened up a world of social contact that I haven't had for some time. I downloaded a free facebook mobile app for my phone and wowie - I have friends!

I have reconnected with friends from High School, my 20 somethings friends,etc and I am keeping in touch in a way that is easy on my time schedule.

I never new it could be so much fun! With the addition of widgets, mobile apps, scripts for websites...we are connected now in a way I could have never dreamed of even 10 years ago.

Talk soon! T :)